Sunday 10 January 2010

Old Friends & Irritation

Does anyone have those friends or family members who irritate the heck out of them?

I don't know whether it's me but I have some people that literally even the first sound of their voice irritates me. For example I have a friend from uni (and I call him a friend because he really should be, we have never had an argument or anything like that), we have known each other for years now and I can't think how we have kept in touch so long.

I met Alex in my second year of uni through a mutual friend. We wern't in the same year or on the same course and as it was a drunken night out I didn't think much about him and went on my merry way but somehow, through this mutual friend we kept cropping up in the same places, as you do. Now I forget how he got my mobile number, but as I say there were alot of drunken nights at uni so this doesn't surprise me and technology being what it is now he also got on my msn and facebook and so everafter we have been in some sort of contact.

I can't bring myself to block him on msn or delete him from facebook etc because technically he has done nothing wrong but the fact remains that I can't remember the last time someone has irritated me so much. Without fail he will talk to me as soon as he logs onto msn and texts me randomly as well. For my part I try to keep contact to a minimum, for his sake as much as mine, I really don't want to be unkind to him but I just can't help being snappy or short. It's like something takes over and he rubs me up the wrong way completely!


  1. OMG YES I know what you mean!
    check out inlaws/outlaws

  2. ha ha thats so true and so funny

  3. At least I'm not the only one then :-) thanks guys xx

  4. I can totally relate to what you're feeling!

  5. This made me laugh. I think there's a few of these people in every group of friends or family.

  6. I defo think you are right there Leah :-) and why don't we ever say anything to them? lol
