Monday 1 February 2010

Terrible Lethargy

The lethargy has descended upon me lately. It's a terrible thing that sucks the energy out of you and I suppose it comes from me being unemployed for so long now. To be honest I'm surprised it's taken this long, I would have thought it would have got a firm grip on me long before now. It's rooted in doing application after application with minimal results I think.

My brother was home for the weekend this week and worryingly he said that not only had the NHS (where he works) put a freeze on all new jobs for outside applicants, but that some agencies will put your CV aside if they see more than 6 months worth of gap in employment on it.

I thought this recession was coming to an end!?

Anyway in order to combat the lethargy I am now going to attempt to get up each morning and take the dogs out for a walk. I figure this will get me refreshed and moving for the day and hopefully should help keep me fit etc as well in the process. A win win situation I'm hoping.

Today was the first day of this new regime and it's gone well, it was loving being out early with the dogs (well dog today, the other one wouldn't move from her basket, she is feeling the lethargy like me I think) but I'm sure it helped that the sun was shinning and it was a joy to be out.

Fingers crossed things go as well tomorrow. xx

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