Monday 24 August 2009

Smear Test

Im feeling totally medical at the mo. Today I had my 2nd ever smear test and it was fine as it turns out. It did seem different to the last one but granted that was 3 years ago now. The last one seemed to have more of a sharp pain involved but this one was more a pushing feeling which is a bit harder to describe. I had been on a few forums before hand and someone had mentioned that they now use plastic instruments instead of metal so maybe that has something to do with it.

The nurse (who was lovely) did say that I had a small cervix! Im not exactly sure what a cervix is but this is something I have long suspected, I think she described it as cherry like. I asked if there were many different sizes and apparently there are, plus things like having a baby (I have no kids yet) can make a difference, so maybe in the future I will have a slightly larger cervix lol.

The nurse also talked more about checking breasts this time which I don't remember them doing last time. This is something I do pretty much regularly anyway so I wasn't too worried about that.

Well I should have the results in about 6 weeks apparently so hopefully, much like the cylamidia test everything will be fine. I have a trip to Nepal in the meantime to take my mind off it :-) I do wonder if thats the last medical related thing for a while?? lol

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